
Magical geography
Geografía mágica.
Ana Cristina Herreros
Las Tres Edades. 213.


2010, 180 pages, 10 ill., from 10 years old.
In order to answer some questions about the ground one treads upon and its geographical features, people have imagined stories that kept being told by grand mothers to fathers, and fathers to children. In a mountain, they saw the shape of a dead woman and came up with a story of love and death. They found a fountain from which hot water flowed and imagined that the water came from the craters of hell. They gazed at a valley flooded by a lake and imagined the existence of a submerged city under the waters to punish their neighbours′ greedy behaviour. In the legends of Magical Geography, there are giants, devils, saints, enchantments and wizards. Magic is always everywhere. And so is love, which turns out to be another form of ″magic″.


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