
The Alexandrinan Logos
El Logos alejandrino.
Agustín Andreu
El Árbol del Paraíso. 62.


The Alexandrinan Logos gathers the PhD course that Agustín Andreu gave at the Facultad de Teología of Valencia, from February to June 1975. The author, who had undergone the general crisis provoked by the breakdown of rationality experienced since the Renaissance until the II World War, claims the need to redefine reason, in search for a new Logos inextricably united to the Spirit. If the breakdown of rationality affects life in its entirety, turning it into unbreathable, the new model should be able to pave the way to the latter (since reason and life are indissoluble). Andreu finds this new rationality in the theology of the Logos, present in Occidental culture since Heraclitus: this universal Logos enables the sight of the real unity of the apparently diverse and even opposite things.


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